Learning how to cook corn on the cob is one of the best ways to accentuate any summertime meal. Corn on the cob is sweet, light, and very healthy. After you've mastered the below recipe you'll be cooking like a champ. Good luck!
By far the easiest method how to cook corn on the cob is boiling it in water. Simply place a pot of cold water on the stove and heat on medium to high heat. The first trick is to ensure that you are using cold water and fill the pot full enough to cover the amount of corn you intend to cook. Place the cobs in the water before the water gets hot to ensure that the corn is not heated too quickly.
Adding a tablespoon of sugar will give the corn a sweet flavor that will make the corn more enjoyable as well.
Using this method to cook corn on the cob is one of the healthier options as the corn is not cooked using any oil or other unhealthy means. Corn on the cob is best enjoyed with grilled burgers, steaks, or other summertime dishes.